
Showing posts with the label Mercury Porosimeter

Gas Adsorption Testing Services Vs. Mercury Porosimetry Testing: What are the Key Differences?

  Gas adsorption testing services are standard to determine the precise pore size distribution and surface area of different powdered or solid materials. The principle is primarily based on the gas absorption traits on concrete surfaces. On the flip side , in Mercury porosimetry testing, the pressure is applied to force mercury into tinier and tinier pores. Hence, the pore size distribution can be anticipated by measuring the applied pressure and the intrusion volume in the test using Mercury Porosimeter. Let’s move forward to find out the difference between these two testing methods in detail without any further ado. You might also like:   Key Differences Between Aquapore and Gas Absorption Testing Services Method of Mercury Porosimetry Testing Mercury Porosimetry testing is generally used in the petrochemical and catalyst industries for regulating the pore volume and pore size of compound substrates, for instance, alumina zeolites and silica. Mercury porosimetry t...